We measure science and contribute to its advancement
Scientometrics sheds light on the direction in which science is evolving. We analyse trends and scientific processes, while observing the impact of research on scientific development. We track citations and research areas. We rely on advanced technologies.

Scientometrics is a field of study that analyses trends in scientific development. It relies predominantly on quantitative methods, including statistical analysis and the processing of large blibliometric datasets. The ultimate goal is to understand the structure, dynamics, and efficiency of scientific processes. Scientometrics offers insights into the current trends in research, the subjects of the most cited publications, and the impact of specific research on the scientific progress. Scientometrics is crucial for researchers who seek to monitor and assess their own achievements and for scientific institutions and funding agencies which strive to evaluate the efficiency of research funding allocations.
Who we are
We are a team of experts in scientometrics who analyse trends in science. Employing advanced technologies and quantitative methods, we analyse the evolutions of science. We identify major research trends and measure the impact of research on scientific progress.
What we do
- We integrate our expertise on the science and higher education sector with advanced technical skills in databases and quantitative methods.
- We are interdisciplinary – our team comprises database and data science experts, as well as social science and IT researchers.
- The fusion of skills from researchers and data enthusiasts enables us to explore, analyse, and explain scientific phenomena in an innovative manner.
- We optimise scientific data analysis and interpretation, leading to a deeper understanding of the dynamics and efficiency of science. Our analyses assist ministries, scientific institutions, and research funding agencies in better resource management and strategic planning of their activities.
What we offer
Our expert reports are crucial for researchers who seek to monitor and assess their own achievements and for scientific institutions and funding agencies which strive to evaluate the efficiency of R&D funding allocations.
We offer professional analyses and reports that are driven by up-to-date and reliable data. In preparing them, we draw on our experience and expertise in the following areas:
- Data engineering with the use of distributed computing
- Data analysis with the use of statistical methods
- Natural language processing
- Machine learning
- Expertise on the systems of science and higher education in Poland and globally.
Our projects
We create expert systems for data analysis and presentation.
- RAD-on: reports, analyses, data on science and higher education in Poland is a system that is intended to be used primarily by scientists students, entrepreneurs, political decision-makers, and journalists who seek reliable and up‑to‑date information on scientific institutions and on their research projects. The system offers our interactive reports.
- Genderaction Data Dashboard: data analyses on gender equality in the research and innovation sector in Europe – a tool developed as part of the international Genderaction project.
- Education4Entrepreneurship
- Network 4 Growth
Additionally, we prepare in-depth analyses on aspects crucial for the science and higher education sector:
- The Foreigners at higher education institutions in Poland report
- The Women in technical HEIs report
- The Evaluation results on scientific activity in Poland interactive report
Do you want to talk about our collaboration?
Are you considering commissioning a data dashboard, an expert report or an analysis? Do you have recommendations for enhancing RAD-on’s content?
Send me an email at: aldona.tomczynska@opi.org.pl
dr Aldona Tomczyńska
Data Science Team Leader
I am a researcher and the Data Science Team leader at the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB). I hold a PhD degree in social sciences and specialize in international political economy. I conduct research in economics, innovation, sociology, and data science. I coordinated numerous research projects. I participated in evaluation studies and research and development endeavours as part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
dr Aldona Tomczyńska
Data Science Team Leader