
Events and interesting facts from the life of the Institute

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Free IT tools from OPI

The National Information Processing Institute (OPI) has a surprise for anyone who wishes to develop their IT services and research projects: some of the institute’s IT tools are now available free of charge. Click on the ‘Download’ tab at and choose a tool to use to your advantage. OPI offers machine learning models, natural language processing tools, open-access research datasets, and the…


10th edition of the MIDI Conference in December!

Welcome to the world where humans meet technology! MIDI Conference is one of the largest events dedicated to intelligent machines and cooperation between humans and new technologies. The anniversary – the 10th edition of the conference will be held on 12-15 December 2022 as a hybrid event. MIDI is organised under the honoray patronate of the Ministry od Education and Science. MIDI…


New RAD-on data is here

The National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) has updated its RAD-on data on the Polish science and higher education sector. To facilitate the portal’s use, OPI PIB has introduced multiple additional functionalities. All users can now easily check how many people have pursued a particular degree programme or how many professors are employed by a particular higher education institution. Experts at OPI…


MEINTech initiative discussed at OPI PIB

The action plan, objectives and assumptions of the MEiNTech initiative dominated a meeting organised at the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) on 4th August 2022. The attendees included Justyna Orłowska, Digital Transformation Representative of the Polish Minister of Education and Science. The participants discussed a plan of action pertaining to the MEiNTech initiative. They analysed all stages of the…


The evaluation results are in

We are pleased to inform you that the evaluation of OPI PIB’s academic activities has now been completed. Following the evaluation of the Science Evaluation Committee (KEN), the Polish Minister of Education and Science has issued a decision that awards OPI PIB category A in social sciences and category B+ in technical computer science and telecommunications. These excellent results could not…


The 7th edition of the ELA report has been published

The Polish Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) published the results of the 2022 matriculation exams. As in previous years, in the wake of the announcement, the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) launched a new edition of the Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA). The system enables the monitoring of the professional careers of graduates, students, and even those…


Piotr Sobecki wins Scientist of the Future 2022 award

Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju in Uniejów wrapped up with its closing gala at which The Scientist of the Future awardswere presented. Piotr Sobecki, the Head of the Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence at OPI PIB, took first prize in the ‘Research team of the future’ category. Piotr won the award in recognition of his research project, ‘AI-augmented radiology: detection, reporting, and…


Digitalisation – an opportunity for Polish economy

On 7 June, 2022, the ‘Digitalisation—an opportunity for Polish economy’ panel took place as part of the Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju event in Uniejów. Dr Jarosław Protasiewicz, Head of the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) served as a panellist. The discussions focused on digital transformation, its benefits for the Polish economy and the cybersecurity challenges it entails. The attendees debated modern IT…


First place for OPI PIB system that detects depression symptoms

Experts at the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) develop systems that are used in medical diagnostics. Since successfully implementing the eRADS platform, which assists radiologists in diagnosing prostate cancer, the specialists have focused their efforts on a system that detects depression symptoms on social media content. The new tool was awarded first prize in Detecting Signs of Depression from Social Media…


Easter wishes

This year’s Easter is unique.It reminds us how precious peace is.But despite the adversities, we must never lose hope.Let us not forget on this special daythat light triumphs over dark and good over evil. May hope, joy and peaceremain in your hearts and in your homes.Wishing you memorable and festive moments with your loved ones – Management: Jarosław Protasiewicz…