In just a few days, we will receive detailed information on the results of the Polish matriculation exams. It will be a difficult time for the many high school graduates who have not decided what major they want to pursue. Those who seek to make more informative choices can rely on the data included in the eighth edition of the Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA),…
Events and interesting facts from the life of the Institute
Over PLN 2.5 billion for modern research infrastructure
During the Science, Investments, Development conference on 22 June, 2023, a summary was presented regarding the implementation of Action 4.2: ‘Development of modern research infrastructure in the science sector’, conducted as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (SGOP). The programme has subsidised the science sector with EU funding of over PLN 2.5 billion. The allocation of funds will amplify…
Surging demand for online courses
Data suggests that online courses are becoming increasingly popular. The concept of lifelong learning that has gained immense popularity in Western countries is now, too, being embraced by Poland. In their search for knowledge, Poles display a growing preference for online courses. This phenomenon is best illustrated by the data sourced from the free NAVOICA platform: around 75,300 accounts were…
Marek Michajłowicz in the finals of IT Manager of Tomorrow 2023
IT Manager of Tomorrow is an initiative that recognises the best IT managers in Poland who are responsible for IT transformations in their firms. This year, Marek Michajłowicz, Deputy Head of Software Development at OPI, has reached the final stage of the competition. A panel of expert judges have selected ten individuals who will participate in the finals in Gdynia on 19…
A declining number of dissertations suspected of plagiarism
In 2022, the Uniform Antiplagiarism System (JSA), which was developed by the National Information Processing Institute (OPI), was used to scan 323,966 dissertations. Only 1.7% of the dissertations exceeded the alarm threshold, which indicates that they share more than 70% similarity with other material. This represents a considerable decline since the launch of the system in 2019, when 2.5% of…
OPI and ŚCO will use artificial intelligence to support oncology diagnostics
On 6 March, 2023, the National Information Processing Institute (OPI) and the Holy Cross Cancer Center (ŚCO) in Kielce signed an agreement on joint scholarly projects. The collaboration between the organisations will focus on oncology diagnostics. The persistent shortage of diagnosticians in Poland is impeding the prompt and effective delivery of therapies. In response, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostics…
Easter wishes
As Easter approaches, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. May this special time be filled with genuine and serene joy, and may you spend it surrounded by your friends and family. As we celebrate the Resurrection, we are reminded of hope and never-ending bliss. May they stay in your hearts during this special time of year and all the…
OPI and IDEAS NCBR join forces to further their R&D efforts
the National Information Processing Institute (OPI) and IDEAS NCBR, a research and development centre that operates in the field of artificial intelligence, have signed an agreement on the development of joint projects. The collaboration of the partners will include research on software engineering and the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Thanks to the collaborative efforts of both organisations, Polish scientists…
Study in Poland 2023 – a panel with the Head of OPI
On 9 February 2023, an expert panel titled Creating the image of Poland as an international educational HUB in IT and new technologies – the role of the INCUBATING FREEDOM for Ukraine – Adapting Women to Digital Economywas organised as part of the Study in Poland 2023 conference. The speakers included Justyna Orłowska, Representative of the Prime Minister for GovTech and Head…
Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit is coming soon!
The 9th edition of the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit coming soon! Let’s go HYBRID! 29th March 2023, ONLINE/ONSITE IN WARSAW, 30th March 2023 ONLINE. National Information Processing Institute is the patron of this event. Join the conference participants and take advantage of the special promotion! With the code “OPI10” you will get 10% of discount! Big…