Project data
Project start date | 2022-08-01 |
Project end date | 2025-08-01 |
Project cost | 4992564.38 PLN |
Project amount of funding | 4992564.38 PLN |
- National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB)
- Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPI PAN)
The aim of the project is to create a database of products, product opinions, and accredited laboratories, in addition to a system that analyses and processes the collected data.
The system will comprise two modules:
- an internet data collection module,
- a data analysis and processing module.
The data collection module will be responsible for intelligent crawling; it will also cleanse and preprocess data and extract information. The data analysis and processing module will include models that detect languages, analyse opinion sentiments, identify dual-quality products, and recommend such products for laboratory testing, in addition to a web platform that provides access to the models, collected data, and analysis results.
The aim of the project is to create a high-quality database of products, product opinions, and laboratories, as well as a ready-to-implement IT system that will serve the needs of the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK). The highly versatile system can be integrated with domain-specific and interconnected systems that provide data on products and product opinions. The solution will help identify dangerous and low-quality products, with special regard given to dual quality. The solution can be implemented flexibly and integrated with external authorisation and authentication systems.
The project will be subsidised as part of the Strategic Programme for Research and Development – Advanced information, telecommunications and mechatronics technologies (INFOSTRATEG III). The project is led by Dr Marcin Mirończuk.
The results of the INFOSTRATEG III competition are available on the website of the NCBR.

The project is financed by the NCBR under the INFOSTRATEG III programme.