Project data
Project start date | 2024-09-01 |
Project end date | 2025-08-30 |
Project cost | 6244328.2 PLN |
Project amount of funding | 5815156.6 PLN |
- National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB)
- Warsaw University of Technology (PW)
The project addresses the growing needs of industry for accurate measurement analysis of complex objects with internal calibrated volumes, particularly ionization chambers and aerosol cans. Powered by cutting-edge machine learning and image analysis techniques, the platform automates the segmentation process, ensuring precise determination of the internal volume of objects in tomographic scans.
The project’s goal is to develop a web application that provides seamless interaction and easy access to results, meets the demands of industrial sectors, and guarantees accurate, fast, and reliable volumetric analysis.
The project will be subsidised as part of the Strategic Programme for Research and Development – Advanced information, telecommunications and mechatronics technologies (INFOSTRATEG VII).
The results of the seventh edition of the INFOSTRATEG competition are published on the website of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR).

The project is financed from the state budget by NCBR as part of the INFOSTRATEG VII programme.