Project data
Project start date | 2024-01-01 |
Project end date | 2024-12-31 |
Project cost | 5285409.61 PLN |
Project amount of funding | 4213000 PLN |
- National Information Processing Institute
Project title
Comprehensive and efficient support of the tasks fulfilled by an Intermediary Institution as part of Priority 2.4 of EFSE. Ensuring professional human and technical resources in 2024.
Project objective
The project aims to ensure efficient operation of an EFSE Intermediary Institution which is responsible for the implementation of Action 2.4 Smart Economy Research Infrastructure (SERI) conducted as part of Priority 2 Innovation-friendly environment.
Project description
The project will contribute to securing adequate human resources by financing the remuneration system and providing staff members of the institution with relevant skills via targeted training programmes that are tailored to their needs. To maintain optimal conditions and tools for the Intermediary Institution’s staff, plans will account for the need to purchase essential equipment, supplies, licenses/software, and publications that are relevant to the operation of the Intermediary Institution. The project will earmark funds to ensure the creation of an efficient system of information and promotion of EFSE’s Priority 2 Innovation-friendly environment. Effective communication with potential and current beneficiaries of EFSE’s Action 2.4 will include dedicated training sessions, promotional spots, announcements, advertisements, and advertising campaigns. We intend to cover expenses related to inspection activities, including sustainability checks for projects under Action 4.2 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (SGOP), monitoring visits, and participation in conferences organised after the conclusion of SGOP projects. Expert support will be delivered in the form of legal opinions and advice from external entities. Activities in 2024 will focus on organising the submission and evaluation of applications for funding Action 2.4 of EFSE.
Target groups
The project will support the staff members of the Intermediate Institution who are engaged in implementation, assessment, selection, inspection, monitoring, reporting, evaluation, information, and promotion activities. The project will support potential and current beneficiaries of Action 2.4 Smart Economy Research Infrastructure (SERI) as part of EFSE’s Priority 2 Innovation-friendly environment.
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