Project data
Project start date | 2023-02-01 |
Project end date | 2024-01-31 |
Project cost | 28765 EUR |
Project url | |
- National Information Processing Institute
- Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague
- University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
- Slovak Organization for Research and Development Activities (SOVVA)
- Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia
- Scientific and Innovation Partnership Assistance Center (SIPAC)
- Business and Technology University in Georgia
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The “Education4Entrepreneurship” project focuses on knowledge exchange and capacity building in the area of entrepreneurship education (EE). According to European Commission the lack of EE remains a significant bottleneck to stimulating self-employment and entrepreneurship in the EU. Project addresses this challenge through enhancing EE in higher education institutions (HEIs) in V4, Armenia and Georgia. Through a pool of trainers and methodological toolkit, it stimulates innovative product and service development at universities. Besides building capacities for EE, the project aims to promote the importance of EE among decision makers and HEI management.
The project will create following outputs:
- Development of a 5-day course focusing on innovative product and service development for students/researchers at HEIs. Creation of an online Methodological Toolkit for delivery of summer schools/courses on innovative product and service development for university students/researchers which will be placed on the project website
- Recruitment of an international network of trainers and organizing Training for Trainers in Prague in September 2023
- Development of Action Plans for delivery of summer schools/intensive courses at HEIs in the region.
- Public debate in Prague to highlight the importance of EE at HEIs
“Education4Entrepreneurship – building capacities for innovative product/service development at HEIs” project is co-financed by the International Visegrád Fund.