
Events and interesting facts from the life of the Institute

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

May you have a wonderful Christmas that radiates with the warmth and peace of your family.May you have many reasons to be content in 2022.May your life be full of joy, passion, and success Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Management: Jarosław Protasiewicz PhD, Eng, Marek Michajłowicz, Joanna Kuszlik-Cichosz and Konrad Stachurski with the Team


Will the end of the COVID-19 pandemic sound the death knell for online conferences?

The popularity of online conferences grew rapidly following the introduction of lockdown curbs in response the COVID-19 pandemic. As in-person meetings were rapidly curbed, online conferences facilitated communication in larger groups without putting participants at risk of infection. A growing number of experts now assert that, with vaccination plans in place, the end of the pandemic is near. Will the end…


Construction of the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre in Warsaw

On 7th October, 2021, the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) celebrated its 30th anniversary. A special event was organised to mark the occasion. The attendees included Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education and Science Wojciech Murdzek and representatives of the top scientific and academic institutions and enterprises that work in modern technology. During the event, Dr Jarosław Protasiewicz,…


The development of a Polish platform to support prostate cancer diagnosis

The National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) has received funding to develop an innovative platform that facilitates prostate cancer diagnosis. The cutting-edge tool will rely on artificial intelligence (AI) to assist medical experts in implementing the most optimal therapies. Every year, 1.2 million people are diagnosed with prostate cancer; in Poland, it is the most common solid tumour among men.…


Piotr Sobecki from OPI PIB in the IT Heroes campaign

IT Heroes is a compelling, Poland-wide promotional campaign that was launched this year on 13th September – Programmers’ Day. Its participants include roughly 40 companies and organisations that are connected to computer science. OPI PIB is represented by Piotr Sobecki, Head of the Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence. The aim of the campaign is to show gratitude to IT experts and…


OPI PIB to analyse the demand for teaching studies

The National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) is going to conduct an analysis for the Polish Ministry of Education and Science as part of the Demand for Teaching Studies project. Experts at OPI PIB will focus on vocational training and the teachers who specialise in delivering it. According to the 2021 Occupational Barometer survey, these pedagogues are the most sought-after professionals on the job…


OPI PIB and UKSW work on a joint project

The National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) is a scientific partner of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre project.  The project is led by Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW) in Warsaw, where a unique digital science research centre is being established. The primary role of the centre is to develop and implement innovative digital solutions to strengthen the Polish economy and to support public authorities…


New data from the Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA) confirms that higher education pays off

On 5 July, the Polish Ministry of Education and Science announced the results of the high school leaving exams of 2021. Today, the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) launched a new edition of the Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA), which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science. New data confirms that studying at higher education institutions…


9–10 December, 2021: 9th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction

Welcome to the world where humans meet technology! MIDI2021 is one of the largest events dedicated to intelligent machines and cooperation between humans and new technologies. The conference will be held on 9-10 December 2021 as a fully online event. MIDI2021 conference is a space where science and innovation meet business. The event will present the latest methods, ultra-modern solutions, and innovative…


Director Marek Michajłowicz becomes member of the advisory team of the Ministry of Education and Science

The Minister of Education and Science has appointed a new advisory team for open scientific resources. Marek Michajłowicz, Deputy Director of the National Information Processing Institute responsible for software development, has become one of its members. Marek Michajłowicz is also the manager of the POL-on project – the Integrated System of Information on Science and Higher Education.…