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We are committed to sharing the findings of our research to support scientists and specialists in understanding the crucial trends in science and technology. We hope that our publications inspire readers to make new discoveries and develop practical solutions.

Subject areas

Our publications focus on the following subject areas:

  • Information technology and telecommunications
    Research on the development of IT systems, data security, artificial intelligence, machine learning and human–technology interaction.
  • Social sciences
    Publications on innovation, the analysis of scientists and institutions, the sociology of science and the impact of science on economies.
  • Technological implementation
    We share our experiences in the design, development and maintenance of IT systems.

Open access 

  • We want our publications to be accessible to the public. The majority of our publications are available on an open-access basis.

Our latest publications

Discover our latest publications that advance scientific development.

List of publications

  • Preface

    Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jakub Możaryn, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski

    2024 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence : Proceedings of MIDI’2023 – 11th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-14, 2023, Warsaw, Poland (online) / Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jakub Możaryn, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Springer. – s. [5]

  • Procrastination in Virtual Reality: An Exploration into Performance and Physical Activity

    Grzegorz Banerski, Cezary Biele, Bartosz Muczyński, Daniel Cnotkowski

    2024 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence : Proceedings of MIDI’2023 – 11th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-14, 2023, Warsaw, Poland (online) / Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jakub Możaryn, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Springer. – s. 277-284

  • Publikacyjny dorobek naukowy o tematyce bibliologicznej i informatologicznej w latach 2017-2021 w świetle ewaluacji polskiej nauki

    Jacek Drogosz

    2024 Przegląd Biblioteczny. – R. 92, z. 2, s. 1-10,67,351.html

  • Security and Communication Models of Failures and Attacks on E-services

    Anna Pira, Jarosław Protasiewicz

    2024 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence : Proceedings of MIDI’2023 – 11th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-14, 2023, Warsaw, Poland (online) / Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jakub Możaryn, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Springer. – s. 293-301

  • The Uniform Anti-plagiarism System (JSA): The Role of Layout in Diploma Thesis Page Classification

    Daniel Karaś, Martyna Śpiewak

    2024 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence : Proceedings of MIDI’2023 – 11th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-14, 2023, Warsaw, Poland (online) / Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jakub Możaryn, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Springer. – s. 28-35

  • Virtual tomography as a novel method for segmenting machining process phases with the use of machine learning-supported measurement

    Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, Piotr Sobecki, Tomasz Żabiński, Grzegorz Piecuch

    2024 Expert Systems With Applications. – T. 250, No 123945, s. 1-16

  • A Novel Process of Shoe Pairing Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Methods

    Marek Kozłowski, Przemyslaw Buczkowski, Piotr Brzezinski

    2023 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence: Proceedings of MIDI’2022 – 10th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-15, 2022, Warsaw, Poland (Online) / red. Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Sprinder, s. 35-44

  • AI in Prostate MRI Analysis: A Short, Subjective Review of Potential, Status, Urgent Challenges, and Future Directions

    Rafał Jóźwiak, Ihor Mykhalevych, Iryna Gorbenko, Piotr Sobecki, Jakub Mitura, Tomasz Lorenc & Krzysztof Tupikowski

    2023 W: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence: Proceedings of MIDI’2022 – 10th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction – Conference, December 12-15, 2022, Warsaw, Poland (Online) / red. Cezary Biele, Janusz Kacprzyk, Wiesław Kopeć, Jan W. Owsiński, Andrzej Romanowski, Marcin Sikorski. – Cham : Sprinder, s. 76-84

  • All that glitters is not gold-Mixed early labour market outcomes of STEM graduates in Poland

    Tomasz Zając, Tomasz Żółtak, Marek Bożykowski, Mikołaj Jasiński

    2023 European Journal of Education. – T. 58, z. 3, s. 477-497

  • Analysis of the utility of 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of vascular graft infection

    Jakub Mitura, Beata Chrapko, Marek Chrapko

    2023 Nuclear Medicine Review, Vol. 26, s. 123-129