Learning has never been easier. NAVOICA is your path to educational success.

NAVOICA is the bigest Polish educational platform to offer free massive open online courses (MOOCs), which encourage self-paced learning. Our mission is to make knowledge accessible to people of all ages, and experience and skill levels. Join us and discover the power of online education with NAVOICA.

Who we are

  • the Innovative Education Technology Department
  • E-learning and IT experts
  • NAVOICA developers

What we do

  • We offer a variety of MOOCs that can be pursued by NAVOICA users at their own pace
  • We deliver open courses for elderly people

Our achievements

  • Since 2018, NAVOICA has been used by 200,000 people
  • NAVOICA has facilitated the delivery of over 800 course editions by over 50 universities and other higher education institutions
  • NAVOICA users have been awarded 150,000 course completion certificates

What we can do for you

  • We deliver various SCORM and HTML e-learning courses
  • We assist in the design of e-learning courses on LMS platforms

Partner with us

Have you got an idea, but aren’t sure how to bring it to life? With your materials, we can create an interactive e-learning course. By combining your concept and our unique methodology, we can deliver content that is both appealing and engaging. Our courses are created using SCORM and HTML. They can be uploaded to:

  • other LMS platforms of your choosing

We offer three distinct collaboration variants:

Package 1 – Express mode

We develop a course that is based on your slides from PowerPoint or other presentation software.

This package is ideal if you are pressed for time, but already envision the concept and structure of your course. Submit your well-structured content in a PowerPoint presentation, and we will prepare interactive screens that feature multimedia and exercises.

Package 2 – Standard mode

We create a course that incorporates your topic-related materials.

This package adopts an advanced approach to the creation of e-learning training sessions, incorporating a variety of exercises, interactive elements and simulations. We handle the majority of tasks, from conceptualisation and material development to course preparation for publication on e-learning platforms.

Package 3 – Course templates

By designing specific elements using HTML, we create course templates.

This package is targeted towards experts who wish to create courses that feature modern and consistent templates, but who lack proficiency in developing interactive elements using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Our experts prepare customised course templates that feature:

  • dropdown menus
  • tables
  • interactive elements, such as pop-ups and sliders
  • decorative dividers.

Our terms of service

Package 1 – Express mode

Step 1 – Materials

Submit your materials in the form of a presentation. You are responsible for creating the structure, objectives and assumptions of your course.

Step 2 – Design

We take care of the design and graphic editing, ensuring that we consider your feedback.

Step 3 – Implementation

We manage the technical aspects of preparing all screens, including text, animations, graphics and interactive elements.

Step 4 – Publication and sharing

Your e-learning course is ready to be shared on our platform. If you decide to prepare your course according to the SCORM standards, you receive a package that you can share in your LMS.

Package 2 – Standard mode

Step 1 – Materials

Submit your materials in any format. Tell us about your expectations and your vision of your course.

Step 2 – Conceptualisation

We assist in establishing the objectives and assumptions of your course. We analyse the challenges, introduce the concept and present evaluation principles.

Step 3 – Text

We prepare the course text: the story, subject-related content, exercises and tests. We ensure that we consider your feedback.

Step 4 – Design

We take care of the design, including decorative elements and infographics. We ensure that we consider your feedback.

Step 5 – Video materials

We assist in the recording and post-production of video materials.

Step 6 – Checking course participants’ knowledge through targeted questions and tests

We prepare exercises to test course participants’ knowledge (targeted questions). We also prepare a final test, which course participants are required to pass to be awarded course certificates.

Step 7 – Implementation

We handle the visual and technical aspects of the course screens (animations, interactive elements and story telling). We develop e-learning courses that cater to individuals with special needs and that comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Step 8 – Publication and sharing

Your course is ready! You can share it on our platform. If you decide to prepare your course according to the SCORM standards, you receive a package that you can share in your LMS.

Package 3 – Course template

Step 1 – Evaluation of your needs

We discuss the objectives of the course, as well as your needs and preferences.

Step 2 ­­– Template

We prepare decorative and interactive elements. We ensure that we consider your feedback.

Step 3 – Publication and sharing

We provide you with a set of ready-to-use decorative elements that you can include in your course.

Watch a DEMO course on the NAVOICA platform

Explore our range of solutions:

  • Full-screen mode
  • Magnified images
  • A variety of exercises
  • Interactive elements, such as pop-ups, sliders and drop-down menus
  • Graphic templates

Do you want to learn more? 

Send me an email at: aleksandra.kolodziejczak@opi.org.pl

dr Aleksandra Kołodziejczak

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw, pedagogy postgraduate studies and information technology courses. I have worked as an expert in e-learning for over ten years. I have authored numerous online courses and publications on remote learning, as well as contributing to commercial e-learning projects.

dr Aleksandra Kołodziejczak