Projects of OPI PIB

Analysis of selected initiatives undertaken as part of the ‘Innovative Economy’ Operational Programme at the sector and microeconomic levels using the input–output model

The project aimed to quantify the effects of selected initiatives undertaken as part of the ‘Innovative Economy’ Operational Programme that were directly targeted to enterprises. The initiatives were implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development between 2007 and 2016.

Project data

Project start date2017-02-10
Project end date2017-11-07
Project amount of funding298853 PLN


  • Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)


  • WiseEuropa
  • National Information Processing Institute

The project aimed to quantify the effects of selected initiatives undertaken as part of the ‘Innovative Economy’ Operational Programme that were directly targeted to enterprises. The initiatives were implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development between 2007 and 2016.

The project’s approach to the analysis of intervention effects was genuinely innovative. Such analyses typically focus on the changes to beneficiary groups that occur as a result of participation in public programmes; the scope of our study was significantly extended and concentrated on assessment of the values of the following ‘Innovative Economy’ Operational Programme action effects:

  1. the direct and indirect effects that result from growth in production and services,
  2. the induced effects that are caused by increased demand for goods and services,
  3. the fiscal effects that are triggered by changes in the values of public levies.

The following was conducted as part of the project:

  1. a desk research analysis,
  2. IDI qualitative interviews with entrepreneurs (beneficiaries),
  3. IDI qualitative interviews with experts (macroeconomists),
  4. macroeconomic modelling using the DSGE WISE VESPA2 model.