People of Science portal with Honourable Mention at EUNIS 2024

The People of Science portal received an award during the EUNIS 2024 conference held in Athens.

EUNIS is an international platform for discussions on information technology in Higher Education Institutions. It presents the latest solutions in the implementation of IT technologies in the world of science.

This year’s edition was special for us! We have received an Honourable Mention for the People of Science portal. It is a platform that accumulates profiles of over 200,000 Polish scientists. The jurors of the EUNIS Elite Award competition appreciated its compliance with data management trends in the European Union – it complies with the FAIR principles, open science initiatives and the Data Governance Act. It also connects to various CRIS systems, promoting interoperability and standardization.

OPI representatives spoke about this project during their presentation People of Science: Data aspects of the Polish national CRIS.