The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.

The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.
The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.
The event was organised by OPI, one of the institutions responsible for the implementation of Priority Axis 4: Increase of the scientific and research potential.
The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.
The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.
The Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction (MIDI) conference is a major event that focuses on intelligent machines and human–technology interaction.